
Letter: If what Trump defenders are saying is true, he must have had the most incompetent attorneys on earth

After Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, legal pundits came out of the woodwork talking about his trial. If what they are saying is true, he must have had the most incompetent attorneys on earth. According to experts his trial was littered with legal violations, the judge showed bias, they had no proof and more. Legal experts call it a travesty of justice. The district attorney put the case to a grand jury; 23 individuals recommended filing charges. The D.A. chose to follow their suggestion. The case was set for trial. 12 jurors were picked. His attorneys were very involved in the process. According to many Republicans it was a witch hunt.

The jury picked, trial started, and the best attorneys Trump could hire put up a defense.

12 jurors deliberated and found him guilty on all accounts.

23 grand jurors, a district attorney, an assistant district attorney, a sitting judge and 12 jurors were all in on the conspiracy to convict Donald Trump and keep him out of office. Our justice system is broken.

It is not. It worked exactly as it should.

Breaking news: the election was not stolen. Trump was convicted in civil court of sexual assault. He was convicted of 34 felonies. He lost in 2020. He is a bully who calls people names. He had sex with a pornstar when his wife had just given birth and paid her hush money. He had sex with a playboy model while Melania was pregnant. I could go on.

People tell me all the time, “I don’t like him, but I like his policies.”

How has that worked throughout history? History will not be kind to those in government who support him.

We cannot have two ethical standards. One for business, one for personal matters. Which do you choose?

Bob Morgan, Cedar Hills

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