
Letter: Why weren’t Utah candidates pressed about their positions on basic women’s health care?

It has been several years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. There have been a number of states which have written total bans on abortion, including our neighbors to the north, so we know the consequences of such bans.

Yet in your questions to candidates for office you fail to ask any follow up questions regarding women’s access to basic health care, and how they justify putting women in danger who are suffering a miscarriage.

Women in Idaho are being flown to another state in order to receive life-saving treatment. Women in Texas are being forced to wait until sepsis begins before they can receive medically necessary abortions to save their lives.

Your paper does not cover these tragic stories nor do you think to ask these people who claim to want to govern the state how they justify their actions or what they will do to mitigate the situation. Do your job better.

Douglas Reilly, Logan

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