
Letter: We, the most tragically invasive species, get what we deserve. But the rest of the planet doesn’t deserve it.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that, in politics at every level, we get what we deserve. From the Trump mob apparently destined for the upcoming indeterminant “dictatorship of one day” geological era in the the Orange Outhouse; to the Phil Lyman-dominated Republican savages seemingly headed for the Utah governor’s mansion and as much destruction of public lands as they can arrange with their oblivious MAGA masters in D.C.; to the avaricious extractive and urban developer corporate cannibals at local levels, our compliant public seems curiously dismissive of the imminent apocalypse.

“Oh, they’re just talking; they’d never do that,” they say among themselves. Oh yeah?

Wanna bet?

Frozen in their tracks by Trump mob social media manipulation even before Jan. 6 (Jan. 6, 2021, for those paying attention), our voting public is about to capitulate on all values that are truly precious and important. Ah, well. We get what we deserve.

But the wild world of ecosystems and wildlife, not to mention wild places such as the Great Salt Lake, hardly deserve what ignorant humans — the most tragically invasive of all “invasive species” to devolve on our miracle planet — have inflicted in the last few generations, much less what we are about to inflict cruelly, without a shred of compassion, curiosity or wonder, in the very near future.

Ivan Weber, Salt Lake City

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