
Letter: We don’t want to acknowledge we are the cause. But the border crisis is our fault.

We see this happen everyday. No one wants to admit they are the problem so we find a target to lay the blame on. And in politics they have learned from a former president that if you say anything long and loud enough a huge portion of the population will rally behind it.

There is an old adage that if you point a finger at someone, three are pointing back at you.

We don’t want to acknowledge we are the cause, because then we would have to fix it. But the border “crisis” is our fault. And the only way to fix it is to stop being the most drug-addicted society that has ever existed. And the cartels aren’t coming into the country and putting a gun to our heads and sticking a needle in our arm. No, we are doing it voluntarily. Parents need to start parenting again. We need to enforce drug use laws and educate better. Heck, based on the American ideal of commerce we should admire the cartels — they saw a demand and filled it!

We are supplying most of the weapons the cartels are using to make their countries unlivable and thus forcing the populace in those countries to head north for safety.

Let’s show the politicians that we aren’t as stupid as they think we are (although sadly we more than often prove we are) and not vote for the idiots who constantly redirect the blame. With rare exceptions we should vote every “in” out and show them we won’t buy their insanity any longer.

Stand up and vote!

Bob Barr, Salt Lake City

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