
Letter: There is no inflation, societal shifting, or pet issue that is worth a dictator

Having recently marked the anniversary of D-Day, it is a good time to reflect upon why the world engaged in World War II in the first place. Hitler: a narcissistic, sociopathic, power hungry, xenophobic racist, who conned a nation of inflation-burdened, war-loss humiliated Germans into committing some of the worst atrocities the world has ever seen.

But, lest we forget, Hitler was voted into power. He would have had no power if only the people had rejected the promises of one of the most evil men in all of history.

Make no mistake. Trump is made of the same psychological rot as Hitler (and Putin, Un, Orban, Xi …) His hunger for power and his desire to escape justice for his many crimes, makes him the perfect candidate for dictator. If he gains power again, he will make sure he keeps it. He will persecute anyone he perceives as a threat which for a malignant narcissist, is anyone who says or does anything that is not to his liking. You may not think that could ever be you, but dictators always expand their enemies list.

There is no inflation, societal shifting, or pet issue that is worth a dictator. The German people voted their grievances in 1933. Let us not do the same in 2024.

Gina Zhdilkov, Bountiful

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