
Letter: We have two competing narratives going on in America. One dark, one bright.

Consider the costs and benefits of gasoline powered vehicles compared to the costs and benefits I enjoy in having solar panels and an electric vehicle. Your gasoline supply is like a garden hose that stretches around the world. It could spring a leak anywhere. Think of the colossal mess of when it springs a leak. Think of all the middlemen you have to pay off. My solar panels are a few feet away. There are no middlemen. It’s just me and Mr. Sun.

Some say we with our solar panels, heat pump furnaces, and electric vehicles do too much virtue signaling. I say do all the virtuous things you can and virtue signal the hell out of it. We have two competing narratives going on in America.

1. Nothing works in America anymore. We can’t trust our elections, we can’t trust our institutions, we can’t trust a trial by a jury of American citizens, we can’t even trust ourselves. There’s nothing for it but to hand a demagogue total authority with no accountability. We’ve had it with our 250-year-old constitutional democratic republic. What do we want? A king. When do we want it? November.

2. America has a bright future in renewable energy. Don’t give up on our constitutional democratic republic. We have confidence in ourselves and we have confidence in what works.

Charles Ashurst, Logan

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