
Letter: A few observations about the questionable placement of campaign signs

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) A sign directed at candidates is seen on the corner of 800 N. and State Street in Orem on Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021.

When campaign signs showed up in front of my neighbors’ vacant and under construction house, only to be removed when the owners showed up to check on the progress of their remodeling, I was merely amused.

Now I see that candidate’s signs on the Parley’s Plaza vest-pocket park, in front of V.A. Hospital, the Lutheran Church on Foothill Drive, Macey’s Marketplace, Papa Murphy’s Pizza, the LDS Church on Parley’s Canyon Boulevard, and scattered multiple dwellings and vacant buildings. I find it hard to believe that the Veterans Administration, Lutheran Church, LDS Church, Salt Lake City Parks Department and all those business owners are campaigning for that candidate. It seems instead that the candidate is disregarding common courtesy and perhaps rules concerning placement of campaign signs.

The candidate should understand that, for voters who base their choices on more than name recognition, such sign placement may smack of desperation and reveal something about the candidate’s character.

George Sumner, Salt Lake City

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