
Letter: Many of Utah’s Republican politicians aren’t conservative, they are Trump worshippers

It is very sad that Mike Lee is still a senator. He rarely sponsors bills that go anywhere and religiously supports Trump, who is the biggest liar ever to be president.

Trump lied about losing the election, he lied about the Manhattan trial, and he falsely claimed that the special agents who sought the classified documents at Mar-a-Largo were told to assassinate him (Trump).

You have to have a conspiracy-based sense of the world to listen to and support Trump as he whines everyday.

Lee constantly votes against the current administration, so his proclamation about not supporting the administration is as meaningless as his vote on measures in the Senate. Most of the other senators of his group are cut from the same cloth.

We have a senator who supports a rapist, a felon, and a habitual liar. It’s time to be honest. Many of Utah’s Republican politicians aren’t conservative, they are Trump worshippers.

Robert Klarich, St. George

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