
Letter: Lee and his pals have chosen to undermine our judicial system. They don’t represent the majority of Americans.

Sen. Mike Lee has rallied a conservative faction of senators who vow to gum up our country’s governance in retaliation for what they consider to be judicial mistreatment of now felony-convicted Donald Trump.

The real danger, as I see it, is that Lee and his small group of agitated legislators have chosen to undermine, without merit, our judicial system, and are speaking as though they represent the better angels of the American people.

They have the pulpit and talk as though they are our mouthpiece. They are not and I do not believe that they represent the majority of Americans. They are a dangerous lot because of where they are and the power they hold and how they have chosen to use that position and power to disrupt instead of govern.

The attention we give this minority faction led by our state senator undeservingly magnifies their voice and importance. They do not warrant this attention because it distorts reality by making it appear as though all of us are as distraught and unhinged as they are. We are not. We are adults. Conflicted, yes, but not nearly as divided as they think we are. Responsible governance involves mutual respect, integrity, accountability, and collaboration.

Those we have elected who demonstrate these qualities deserve our attention and appreciation. Those who do not deserve only to be voted out.

John DeVilbiss, Logan

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