
Letter: So much is at stake in the presidential election. As a registered Republican, I implore my fellow citizens to embrace the larger picture.

Memorial Day is a brief time once a year when we all honor those who have served our nation.

What is our nation? We are not a nation. We are a conglomerate of complications. And we are at the brink of electing another president.

I am a registered Republican, but this does not cloud my thinking. So let’s face it. We have two options (the duncery of RFK, Jr. aside).

An 80-plus-year-old Joe Biden. Experienced, wise, sane, with seasoned and skilled people around him who have the national interests at their core.

Or, an almost-80-year-old former guy who demonstrates every day his unfitness — angry, vengeful, retributive, shallow — as well as already being a convicted rapist.

On Memorial Day, Biden was delivering respectful words at every turn.

And Trump? The presumptive nominee again for the presidency? Nothing. Nothing of value to say about our veterans (whom he flicked off as meaningless), about their and their families’ sacrifices. Just tantrums of venom at the legal quagmires he has brought upon himself.

There are many concerns we as voters must consider, of course. But I implore my fellow citizens out there to embrace the larger picture. Biden (any president) has little control over inflation, energy prices, interest rates, etc. Don’t vote so narrowly. Such factors ebb and flow.

This election, now just months away, could truly determine the course of larger issues — national security, separation of powers, global leadership, etc. So much is at stake.

Nye Thuesen, Salt Lake City

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