
Letter: Heat waves, droughts, hurricanes and typhoons: No problem. Let’s raise a glass to Trump.

America seems to have a death wish — and, like the passengers on the Titanic, is having a party as the ship slowly sinks.

The party is playing out on TV where you can drink to Donald Trump and his feast of legal problems in all of which he is the defendant. Can’t get much better entertainment than that. In fact, it’s so much fun that a large chunk of the audience want to promote him to “president for life” despite his being voted “worst president ever” by our European allies his first time around. His change of title to absolute dictator if he wins is expected to make all the difference.

Dictator, of course, is now the preferred title in almost all the world — especially in the countries that aren’t doing so well, like most of Africa and selected countries in South America (like previous standout Brazil). There they claim the weather is the problem.

Actually, they are right. Weather seems to be deteriorating all over the world — especially in Africa where hordes are flocking to countries they think are healthier — only to end up in squalid camps or drowning trying to reach Europe, which, actually, is doing better in some cases. Cold and wet England, for example, is warming up so fast that it will soon be exporting wine instead of being one of the largest importers. Cheers!

Here in the U.S.A. we’ve labeled it “climate change” and are becoming a world leader in heat waves, droughts, hurricanes and typhoons. We’re doing so well that insurance companies will no longer cover damages. Trump knows it’s not a real problem and has labeled it a minor blip.

We’re so lucky to have such a talented potential leader!

Frank Fish, Taylorsville

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