
Letter: Broken water supply line drives home a crucial point: We can’t take water for granted.

We turned on the tap at 8 p.m. Only a trickle emerged from the faucet. Uh, oh.

Consider “The Restoration.”

No, not the restoration of the gospel, the restoration of our interrupted water supply. We turned on the tap at 8 p.m. Only a trickle emerged from the faucet. Uh, oh.

The first order of business was a drink of water. Suddenly, we felt thirsty and searched for drinkable water in the house, realizing once again the actual value of this life-sustaining resource.

Next up, the toilet. We needed to flush it, but we couldn’t. My husband made a quick trip to buy 10 gallons of water. We used one-and-a-half gallons to flush the toilet once! We needed water for several essential activities. We wanted to wash our faces and brush our teeth. The eight gallons we had met that need.

Water is indispensable for some functions, such as filling the CPAP machines. We had some distilled water on hand, so that worked out. The dishwasher required water to complete its cycle. We decided that could wait. Thankfully, the construction workers who broke the water main last night had fixed it when we woke up this morning.

There is a message. Don’t take water for granted.

Sherri Park, West Jordan

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