
Letter: The Utah GOP convention delegates outdid themselves by nominating the worst and least qualified candidates

Personally, I would rather elect people interested in actual governing.

I’m not sure what “qualifications” one needed to be a nominating delegate at the recent Utah Republican Convention, but being full MAGA looks to be pretty high on the list. I’m not enthralled by any of the Republicans running for office, since they all rely on the tired and lazy mantra of “protecting Utah values,” but the convention delegates outdid themselves by nominating the worst and least qualified (but most MAGA) candidates.

Let’s review their choices:

For the U.S. Senate, they back Trent Staggs. Staggs has all the experience of being the mayor of Utah’s 21st largest “city.” From that lofty position, he and his supporters deem him qualified to become a U.S. senator. While I don’t love Staggs’ presumed opponent, John Curtis has been a Utah congressman for as long as Staggs has been the mayor of Riverton and Curtis has also been the mayor of an actual city. Curtis espouses the predictable platform of being pro-gun, anti-Biden and anti-immigrant but, hey, Staggs was endorsed by Donald Trump and a whole rogues gallery of fellow election deniers. MAGA!

For the U.S. House of Representatives, the convention delegates followed the lead of “constitutional scholar” Mike Lee and rejected current Rep. Celeste Maloy. What caused Maloy to fall from Lee’s grace? Maloy had the audacity to listen to the U.S. intelligence community rather than some criminal defendant tweeting in all caps, when she recently voted to reauthorize FISA. Lee, of course, listened to the tweeter. He and the delegates don’t seem to have much use for intelligence. MAGA!

And finally, there was the delegates’ worst nomination. They want Phil Lyman to replace current Utah Gov. Spencer Cox. In his speech to the delegates, Cox noted he had “stopped DEI, ESG and CRT.” Cox also stated his support for abortion bans and constitutional (gun) carry. Sorry, Spencer, your occasional support of marginalized groups showed you’re weak and not truly MAGA. The delegates would prefer a guy whose claim to fame was previously channeling his inner Cliven Bundy when he organized an unlawful ATV ride through an area containing ancient Pueblo peoples’ burial sites, dwellings and artifacts. Lyman’s criminal conviction was, of course, rescinded by his fellow “patriot warrior,” then-President Donald Trump. MAGA!

Any of these three candidates preferred by the Republican delegates could give Utahns their very own Marjorie Taylor Greene. MAGA!

Personally, I would rather elect people interested in actual governing, as opposed to bombastic posturing. In Utah, though, I’m probably in the minority. MAGA!

Rob Greene, Salt Lake City

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