
Letter: A ski pass that rewards ski bus riders with lift privileges makes sense on several levels

Would you take the ski bus if it meant you could skip the lift line on a powder day?

I am writing to express my concern about the escalating traffic issues in Big Cottonwood Canyon and Little Cottonwood Canyon and propose a practical solution to alleviate the congestion. The recent surge in canyon car traffic has significantly impacted the experience for all skiers and riders, and it’s time we take proactive and realistic measures.

To tackle this problem, I propose the implementation of a “Fast Pass” lane at each popular lift line in the ski resorts within BCC and LCC. This dedicated line would be exclusively accessible to verified users of the ski bus, prioritizing those who contribute to traffic relief through public transport.

The rationale behind this solution is simple yet effective. By offering a tangible benefit to those who want to maximize their day on the slopes, we create incentive for individuals to choose public transport, particularly on days when optimal snowfall attracts a surge in traffic.

While the proposed solution benefits Fast Pass skiers and riders, it also brings advantages for all LCC- and BCC-goers. This includes a reduction in parking congestion, as well as minimized environmental impact due to fewer idling cars and decreased drive times. Importantly, this proposal requires no additional infrastructure which crucially avoids the controversial political, economic, and environmental roadblocks associated with alternative solutions.

In conclusion, implementing a Fast Pass is a practical and cost-effective step towards a more sustainable and enjoyable skiing experience in our beautiful canyons. It not only incentivizes public transport but also brings about positive outcomes for the environment and overall traffic management.

Brennan Slater, Salt Lake City

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