
Letter: Before casting your vote for president, remember who called military personnel “suckers” and “losers”

Within a month after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, my 19-year-old father enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He would go on to serve at Guadalcanal and captained a rifle squad on the front lines of Korea for four months.

For his performance in Korea he was awarded the Marine Corps Commendation Medal with combat V. Eventually, my dad retired as a Lt. Colonel after 23 years of service.

Later, as a young marine myself, I encountered other marines who knew and served with my father. More than once I was told that if I was half the man my father was, I would do alright.

One core value I learned from the USMC is honor. Honor your country, your family, and your fellow marine through your conduct and courage.

There is currently a man out there who desperately wants to become POTUS for the second time. This is the same man who stated that military personnel are “suckers” and “losers.” This man possesses not one iota of honor or integrity. To support this man, to believe him or in him, to vote for him, would be to spit on everything a person has ever learned about honor.

To all my fellow veterans and to all other thinking Americans, should he receive his party’s nomination, please don’t be a single-issue voter. This man’s proven lack of character is enough for all Americans to distrust and reject him completely. My father, who now lies in a grave in Arlington National Cemetery, would be honored if we get this right.

Larry Eldracher, Salt Lake City

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