
Letter: Lee’s now part of an ultra-right gang whose intentions for the country are truly scary

The litany of evidence of Sen. Mike Lee’s ever-increasing lean toward alt-right conspiracy theories and his latest tirade suggesting that the United States should withdraw from the United Nations should be frightening to every American.

It seems ever clearer that the senator has become a demagogue for right-wing conspiracies and fearmongering. His unqualified support of Donald Trump and his dogged efforts to “find a path” to keep the disgraced ex-president in office should be ample evidence of his failure to adhere to his own rigorous study of the U.S. Constitution.

The discovery of Lee’s 100 texts to Mark Meadows, the then-president’s chief of staff, searching for ways to overturn the 2020 presidential election, is simply shocking. Moreover, in his initial run for the U.S. Senate in 2010, Lee stated, “It will be my objective, to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it…Medicare and Medicaid are of the same sort and need to be pulled out.”

Are these the sentiments of Utah’s nearly 400,000 persons over the age of 65? His comparison of Donald Trump to the Book of Mormon’s Captain Moroni should have registered disgust among Latter-day Saints throughout the world.

While we seem clearly “stuck” with Mike Lee as our senior senator for another five years, I hope that Utah’s voting public will take the time to follow this slick, ultra-right politician’s course over these years and wake up to the reality that he’s part of a gang whose intentions for the country are not in the country’s best interests.

Mark E. Hurst, St. George

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