I read with absolute astonishment the article describing a looming catastrophe regarding the extraction of the lithium from under the redrock formations in southern Utah. Anson Resources plans to pollute our underground water system with a “material developed by the Chinese” to extract the coveted element lithium.
Utah legislators agog with the prospect of jobs and money. All a company needs to do in Utah is flash the cash and the jobs prospect and you get legislator Nate Blouin to utter “this is exciting.”
His compatriot Scott Sandall, “fascinating.” We are trading one visible pollution for another unseen pollution. This issue needs much more discussion and study before we plunge into a contract to pledge that much water for this project. Pumping unknown “material” from China is a red flag from hell. I hope Living Rivers and Southern Utah Wilderness put the screws to this outfit. And so it goes.
R. Hawke, Lehi