I write in support of the recent opinion that urged legislators to support school meals for all.
I’m the executive director for Get Healthy Utah, a nonprofit that, among other things, supports healthy eating in schools. I know that a lot of parents worry that school meals aren’t healthy. I get it. I’m a parent who prioritizes my kids getting whole, nutritious foods. And when I look at the school menu at my local elementary school, I cringe a little to see things like “pepperoni pizza rippers,” “donut with sprinkles,” and “MaxStix” (a cheese-filled breadstick).
But here’s the thing: Despite wanting to see more whole, fresh foods in schools, I also support school meals for all now.
First, school meals are healthier than they may seem. School meals meet federal nutrition standards, which require more fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit sodium, calories, and unhealthy fat. Research has shown that school meals are often the most nutritious meals that kids encounter on a normal day. That doesn’t surprise me: I’ve known kids who pack a granola bar and a cheese stick and call that lunch.
Second, even if school meals aren’t the healthiest they can be, a fed kid is better than a hungry kid. A fed kid will be able to learn, play and thrive.
And finally, we can support free school meals as well as efforts to improve those meals. If anything, more participation and support for school meals should also translate to more support for school nutrition staff, education, infrastructure, and healthier meals.
Support our kids. Support school meals for all.
Alysia Ducuara, Salt Lake City