
Letter: The GOP is suffering from electoral dysfunction. Treatments are available.

The Republican Party is struggling with deep malaise.

The party has underperformed nationally in many recent elections and attempts to turn their narrow views of bodily autonomy into legislation have been rebuffed by their constituents. It is natural for them to look inward to assess the problem.

When political parties grow older and more dogmatic, it is common for them to suffer from electoral dysfunction.

As they consider why they can’t get things to work the way they want them to, I would like them to know that there are treatment options for E.D.

The most common treatment for E.D. in Republican states is the surgical option, which is also referred to as the Utah Way. The state Legislature takes a scalpel to voting districts, carves them in pieces, and stitches up voting districts back together into a Frankenstein monster that will carry them back into office year after year.

It is effective, but not a permanent fix. Eventually the sutures come loose and then all the voters silenced regain their voices which then start to grow louder. The Utah Way requires going under the knife repeatedly, usually after every census.

The safer and more reasonable approach would be to do some self-reflection.

Find a large mirror and start asking some tough questions, like who should make personal choices for our constituents, the voters themselves or the RNC? How can we be simultaneously pro-life and also blindly support gun violence? How can our party support law and order, but turn a blind eye to the crimes of our de facto leader?

Unfortunately, if the Republican Party honestly answers these questions, they will find a grim conclusion about their E.D. In the words of Taylor Swift, “Hi. It’s me. I’m the problem, it’s me.”

David Vala, Taylorsville

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