
Letter: Utah’s lawmakers should be required to take civics classes and religious studies courses

Our illustrious Utah congressmen must be very pleased with the recent selection of CHINO (Christian in Name Only) Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson.

I’m speaking particularly of Sen. Mike Lee and Rep. Burgess Owens, of course, because of their recent moronic, pseudo-religious remarks, as reported in The Salt Lake Tribune. But I believe the name fits most of our Utah delegation (excepting Mitt Romney) as well as most of the Republicans supposedly representing American citizens in Washington.

I say Christian in Name Only because I don’t remember ever hearing that Jesus approved of liars and traitors and hatemongers, and I doubt He would have wanted any of them to speak on His behalf.

May I suggest that civics classes and religious studies courses be required before any of them

presumes to speak publicly again?

Leo Coulson, Bountiful

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