
Letter: There is no military solution to what’s happening in Israel and Gaza

Regarding “Hamas surprise attack out of Gaza Strip stuns Israel …” (Oct. 7), I find myself praying for clarity of vision by people of goodwill around the world to recognize that 75 years of oppression and mass displacement has not brought “peace.”

Praying also for recognition that equality under the law is a fundamental human right and cannot be written off in the interests of expediency or convenience. There are no shortcuts to justice. Praying for healing and strength to open a Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission to air foundational grievances.

There is no military solution.

The Palestinians are being asked to pay the price of the Holocaust. But two wrongs will never make a right. We need to implement restorative justice mechanisms now.

Praying for insight and stamina for the work ahead. The current status quo is completely unacceptable.

Gail Boling, Sandy

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