
Letter: Top ten reasons why I won’t vote for Donald Trump in 2024

10 • He believes laws can be ignored and truths can be challenged … but only by him.

9 • Compassion, civility, integrity, decency and honesty … words he is unfamiliar with.

8 • There was a time when Republicans and Democrats could “agree to disagree” and still work towards a common goal … heck, they could even be friends. Not so much anymore as Trump has planted a very contagious virus of division and mistrust within our Democracy.

7 • He has indicated he would stop support for Ukraine and possibly leave NATO … I guess we just advance the doomsday clock another click towards midnight.

6 • His second term would consist of exacting revenge and ongoing court battles. Where will he find the time to run our country?

5 • Conspiracy to obstruct justice, conspiracy to commit forgery, lying to the U.S. government and racketeering – 91 criminal counts in total and yet his base remains resolute in their support. I’m saddened by their disconnect from reality as they continue to view our world through the lens of Fox News.

4 • The events of Jan. 6th occurred because of Donald Trump’s refusal to accept the fact that “he lost” … and people died as a result.

3 • He has been convicted in civil court of sexual abuse, accused of sexual abuse by another 26 women and also caught (on tape) bragging about his sexual prowess … What am I missing here? More importantly, why have the values and morals of the GOP disintegrated to the point of supporting a candidate who is the antithesis of their original core values?

2 • He claims he is a successful businessman. Really? From the 1980s to 2016 Trump and his “businesses” have been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits. His failed businesses include Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump The Game, Trump University, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice, Tour De Trump and Trump Network. But just for the fun of it, let’s throw in the Trump companies that have sought bankruptcy protection: Trump Taj Mahal, Trump’s Castle, Trump Plaza Casinos, Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resort and Trump Entertainment Resorts.

1 • If elected to a second term he will staff his Cabinet with only his most loyal supporters. He won’t make the same mistake of allowing those with moral values, integrity and a duty to serve our Constitution influence his decisions.

God help us all if we put this man back in the White House for another four years.

Bill Owens, Sandy

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