
Letter: The ideal of America cannot survive if its populace doesn’t seek out accurate information

I subscribe to The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Salt Lake Tribune. Good news is worth paying for, and I’m happy to support it.

There is a war on accurate information in this country waged by those who can usually only get or stay in power if large numbers of people are kept ignorant and/or confused, or even misled.

Disinformation was on full display at the recent Republican debate. Pick your poison, whether it be climate change not existing or whether citizens verdicts in lawfully brought trials should be taken seriously, or not. Americans must open their minds to accurate information and choose wisely if they want the ideal of America, widely heralded here and around the globe, to continue.

And if they want to reverse the alarming trend of us losing our rights, a disenfranchisement by design.

It is vitally important for us to protect our precious USA from all enemies, be they foreign or domestic!

Dan Mylecraine, Salt Lake City

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