
Letter: Have Republicans forgotten that the United States was once forward-looking

A New York Times piece I have been reading, about China’s stalled economy, observes that needed changes were not made by leadership, because those who “who run legacy industries … have more political influence than those who run nascent industries.”

Sound familiar? Does it not conjure up the stance of the Republican Party, which wants to go on drilling for oil, digging for coal, clearcutting trees, clinging by their fingernails to those “legacy industries,” while trying to close the door on anyone as hungry as their ancestors once were when they braved oceans and deserts to come here?

Have they forgotten that the United States was once forward-looking, keen for new and better ways to get things done, on the cutting edge of new technologies to take us where we need to go, leading the world instead of trailing behind trying to catch up, while dominant markets grow elsewhere?

The latter is a better description of the Democratic Party, folks. So, you choose. You can go on living in the past, polluting and pushing people out, or you can embrace those both within our country or eager to join us, who are ready, willing to strive, to get to a better, cleaner, healthier, fairer, stronger future.

The choice is yours.

Michele Margetts, Salt Lake City

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