Regarding the recent article, “Criminal indictments against Donald Trump are ‘political persecution,’ Utah GOP leaders say”:
One has to wonder if the Utah GOP central committee thinks we Utahns are really stupid, or what?
I speak specifically of the recent anti-semitic condemnation by that body of the “political persecution” of former President Donald Trump.
Anti-semitic? Casey Gale, author of the resolution, actually had the gall to go on public record saying, “I don’t think it’s fair that our nation is being led by these district attorneys that are funded by George Soros and other leftist organizations that are criminally indicting Donald Trump.”
Citing George Soros is more than a subtle dog whistle for “The Jews,” and if Gale doesn’t know that, he needs to get out in the real world more. It’s bad enough he ignores what we all saw on TV on Jan. 6, 2021, but reviving the mythical Jewish conspiracy theories to explain Trump’s troubles is just disgusting. What next, more Jewish space lasers?
The story also says the central committee is almost broke. If Utahns are smart enough to not fund that kind of ignorance and hatred, let’s hope they continue to be so.
Charles Trentelman, Ogden