
Letter: Mike Lee does not meet the high standard required to be a senator

Mike Lee has demonstrated that he is not fit to hold the legislative office of senator of Utah. By sharing Q-Anon misinformation from InfoWars, no less, he has shown blatant irresponsibility and certainly is not taking his position of leadership seriously enough.

The whole country is well aware of the truth about Alex Jones and his peddling of lies for monetary gain, and it is inexcusable that a state senator would promote anything coming from that website.

Lee owes us all an apology for that kind of behavior.

He should be fact-checking articles and setting the example of being a critical thinker, not ignorantly sharing misinformation on social media because it triggered an emotional response. It’s bad enough when just anyone does it, but even worse when it comes from someone in a position of power. We deserve and should expect something a lot more befitting of a senator than the spreading of falsehoods and conspiracy theories.

Mike Lee does not meet the high standard of the position. Step down, and let someone capable represent the diverse people of this state.

Jennifer Long-Pratt, Salt Lake City

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