
Letter: Bridging political divides

The recent FBI shooting incident in Provo has once again brought to light the deep-rooted political divisions that plague our nation. In these times of heightened polarization, the urgent need to bridge the gap between differing viewpoints has become more apparent than ever before.

In light of this, I wish to commend Utah Gov. Spencer Cox for launching the “Disagree Better” campaign. This initiative encourages individuals with opposing political stances to engage in respectful conversations and find common ground. While I may personally disagree with some of Gov. Cox’s policies, I believe this campaign is a timely and much-needed step towards fostering unity.

The “Disagree Better” campaign promotes a balanced approach, advocating for civil discourse without diluting the richness of debates that have always been an integral part of our democratic fabric. By embracing civility, empathy and active listening, we can hope to mend the divides that have deepened in recent years.

The tragic incident in Provo serves as a somber reminder that political disagreements should never escalate to violence. It underscores the importance of engaging in meaningful, respectful discussions that help us understand each other’s perspectives.

As citizens, it is our responsibility to embrace the diversity of opinions while recognizing our shared humanity. Let us focus on the commonalities that unite us as Americans and work towards solutions that benefit everyone, regardless of their political stance. Gov. Cox’s campaign, along with similar efforts nationwide, holds the potential to shape a future where robust debates coexist with a commitment to unity.

In these challenging times, let us rise above our differences and uphold the ideals that have defined our nation for centuries. It won’t be an easy path, but by acknowledging our divisions and engaging in open, respectful discourse, maybe we can begin to heal our colossal divide.

Brandon K. Larsen, West Jordan

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