
Letter: A taxpayer-funded gondola? Maybe I can get the UDOT to replace my driveway.

I recently read Dave Fields’ opinion piece promoting the gondola in Little Cottonwood Canyon.

Fields is the general manager for Snowbird, a private, profit-oriented company.

He represents a company that charges over $1300 for a season pass, $160-plus for a day of skiing. They own Powderbirds, a heli-skiing operation that charges over $1800/ day. And some of their customers will pay over $20,000/season for special benefits to ski at Snowbird.

I am OK with all that but why ask Utah taxpayers — who will not benefit from a gondola — to pay for a mode of transportation that will only benefit his company.

Of course he thinks it’s a good idea. Maybe I can get the UDOT to replace my driveway.

Dave Kliger, Cottonwood Heights

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