
Letter: Mendenhall has shown she can work with the Legislature and the governor. That matters.

I am essentially a single issue voter in Salt Lake City’s 2023 mayoral election. I’m a pragmatist, and here’s what I see: The issue that matters in the race for mayor of Salt Lake City is the candidate’s ability to work with the state Legislature and governor.

Why? Salt Lake City is a blue dot in a deep red ocean. The reality is that the state Legislature wields enough power that they don’t need to work with the city on issues that affect the city.

Take the inland port for example. State leaders didn’t want to work with the previous mayor and cut her out of the process. That led to a worse outcome for our city, for us as residents. How about Operation Rio Grande? The city would have been more effective if we were collaborators rather than detractors.

Electing a divisive mayor who the state leadership refuses to work with will only end in Salt Lake City getting a raw deal from our Republican supermajority. Whatever moral high ground you think you have by refusing to acknowledge the power dynamics in our state will mean nothing because we won’t even have a say in the matter.

It is my observation that Mayor Erin Mendehall has been able to effectively get us a seat at the negotiating table. She works with state leaders and collaborates rather than futilely antagonizes to score political points. She is focused on solving problems rather than taking a hardline ideological stance. In the era of hyper partisanship she is willing to work with the Republican leaders of our state to make Salt Lake City better. Let’s elect a mayor who will get things done, not one who will be outside protesting instead of being in the room where it happens.

Blake McClary, Salt Lake City

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