
Letter: It is time to hold everyone — including young men — responsible for their sexual behaviors

What is most appalling about the parents suing the Alpine School District because their son was having sex at school is not their reasoning about the legal issues.

It is the perpetuation of the myth that young men cannot control their sexual behaviors and therefore schools must police their behavior and young women must make sure they do nothing to incite their “uncontrollable urges.”

I’m surprised the parents are not also suing the young woman for her role in this incident.

In Utah we often place the burden on women for controlling the behavior of men. My son’s high school teacher plainly told the class that girls need to be the gatekeeper of their bodies, because boys cannot control themselves.

Allowing young men to believe that they do not have the ability to control their sexual behaviors without others being the “gatekeeper” is insulting to men and dangerous for women.

In this case there is no indication that the sex was not consensual, but if the parents are arguing that he could not control his behavior in a consensual relationship, what would their position be if he did not have consent?

It is time to hold everyone including young men responsible for their sexual behaviors and not place the blame on others.

Susan Chasson, Provo

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