
Letter: Saratoga Hot Springs Resort seems to have vanished without a trace

Had a kind of not fun experience the other day, when my wife and I drove down to the north end of Utah Lake to see what was left of the old Saratoga Hot Springs Resort, which had been in operation there from 1884 to about 1995. We knew that the resort had been closed for years, but it had been a favorite place for my family from the ‘70s to the early ‘90s.

It had been such a popular family fun place we expected to see some kind of memorabilia. But there was nothing. The old swimming pools are gone, but there is still a swimming pool in operation using the hot springs water, but it is enclosed in the neighboring private development, so is not available to the public.

And there are not even any signs directing people to the still-existing hot springs. Some people down by the Inlet Park told us where the trailhead started for the quarter mile walk to the springs, but there was a fork in the trailhead at the start, and no indication of which direction the springs were. A young couple on the trail showed us the way. When we got down to where the old swimming pools probably used to be, there was absolutely no evidence that any kind of buildings or pools had ever been in that area. It was like someone had purposely totally removed all evidence that the Saratoga Hot Springs Resort ever existed.

I hope some day some signs are added to indicate where the hot springs are, and about the resort that used to be there.

Fred Ash, Sandy

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