Heartfelt thanks to the executive director of UTA, Jay Fox, for his letter-perfect response to the small-minded legislators who created a brouhaha over the Pride bus.
Rep. Mike Schultz, R-Hooper, quoted the speaker of the House, Brad Wilson, as saying, “We live in Utah, we shouldn’t have to deal with this stuff.” Rep. Colin Jack, R-St. George, said, “Public funds should never be used to promote private agendas, especially those that contradict our state ideals.”
What is “this stuff” that “we shouldn’t have to deal with?” That Utah residents have differing world views and identities? What are “our state ideals?” That we should all be alike in our beliefs and lifestyles?
Gentlemen, get out of your bubbles. The world, even in Utah, is a diverse place. Thanks to UTA for recognizing Utah’s commitment to being inclusive and welcoming. Thanks to Jay Fox for clearly communicating that ideal to a community that too often feels marginalized.
Joanne Slotnik, Salt Lake City