Attending Blake Moore’s town hall recently, it became clear to me which party has extremist views. Rep. Moore opened with a presentation on the budget and the debt ceiling. He was working hard to normalize not paying our debts as a bargaining tool. This is a dangerous and extreme maneuver by the Republican House. This is even more extreme than shutting down the government and has never been done before.
Rep. Moore then began taking questions and it felt like I was in an alternate universe where conspiracy theories abound. To name a couple: Democrats are trying to undermine our currency and the U.N. is taking over the world.
Finally, a question came from a man who identified himself as a veteran of 22 years and his biggest concern was the threat the Republican Party poses to democracy. He cited how the Republican Party has allowed the crazies to take over the House of Representatives and that insurrectionists are now on important committees. At this point people in the room started shouting him down and one man, who had asked an earlier question, told him to shut up and leave.
Sanity prevailed and Rep. Moore handled the situation. I was stunned at the behavior of this group of citizens towards a man who had fought for their freedom of speech. My town hall experience left me feeling certain that the Republican party is the party of extremists.
Sarah Buck, Salt Lake City