
Letter: Atheist op-ed contributor shows ignorance of scripture while revealing his own bigotry

Greg Clark has written in the Public Forum many times that he is an atheist. He comes off very bitter and angry to me. He also shows his ignorance of scripture.

Although many men are very prideful and bigoted, it is not what is promoted in sacred documents. What has Clark done about it? He calls it out, sees it everywhere, but shows no compassion. With his science background surely he knows to show evidence of what he believes. He did give a nice history lesson.

Does he think all men are bigots? Do all institutions sanction and practice bigotry?

He is showing his bigotry by painting with such a wide brush. Sure, you can see bigotry when you look for it, but also look for the good and emulate that. Cherry picking your complaints does not encourage anyone to change. In fact, the more you challenge someone the more they seem to dig in to justify their ways.

I’m curious what he means by saying he “plays and proudly violates the eternal laws of God.” He clearly does not know what scripture says about what the eternal laws of God are. Many times the scripture says, “God shows no favoritism.” It is mankind that is in rebellion with God’s eternal laws. What are you going to do about that?

Marilyn Marshall, Magna

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