
Letter: Granite School District’s effort to acquire electric buses is a sign of responsible leadership

As a student in the Granite School District, passionate about climate change, I was ecstatic to hear that Granite applied for the electric bus grant in early August through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean School Bus Program. It was a breath of fresh air, and a step toward climate consciousness. Granite is currently on the waitlist for 2022 funding, and we want to encourage the district to apply for the next round of EPA grants coming in 2023.

Utah has been facing inversions for as long as I can remember, and studies have proven the catastrophic effects of living in an environment with dangerous levels of air pollution. Besides achieving climate resilience, electrifying school buses promote vast, quantifiable public health benefits for students and can improve the air quality of our local communities.

It is an exciting sign of leadership that Granite sees its responsibility to the community and climate as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the health of students within the Granite School District.

Sawyer Sudit, Salt Lake City

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