
Letter: God would be more pleased with the LDS Church taking care of the less fortunate than building temples

There is a lot of homelessness and hungry people in the world. There are a lot of homeless and hungry people in the United States.

It has been reported that the LDS Church has $50 billion in the stock market earning interest every day. It is reported that the LDS Church is building 18 new temples throughout the world at a cost of millions of dollars each. I wonder how much help the $50 billion and the money for all the temples would be for the less fortunate in our society.

The people that are hungry, the kids that are hungry, the people who have no place to live.

I think that, instead of the money sitting in Wall Street, earning more money, they should take that money and build homes and feed kids and help the less fortunate. I really think that God would be more pleased with the church taking care of the less fortunate than building temples in his honor.

And why do we need to have $50 billion earning money in the stock market when we have people that are hungry and homeless?

Charles Hubbert, Salt Lake City

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