
Letter: Vote for a proven community leader instead of a career politician in the House District 36 race

Robert Gehrke’s recent article, “Lee vs. McMullin is getting all the attention…” missed a close race in Taylorsville/West Jordan. Lynette Wendel is challenging Jim Dunnigan in House District 36, which was decided by only 84 votes just two years ago.

Although Dunnigan signed a pledge supporting term limits in Congress, he is a career politician of twenty years! Either Dunnigan believes only in limits for other politicians or he is simply telling voters what they want to hear to extend his own career.

Wendel signed the pledge as well, but instead of spending the last twenty years in politics, she has been serving her community at schools, public events and meetings, anywhere she can help. As a trained mediator, Wendel has invaluable skills when it comes to bringing all sides together to reach the best solutions. She wants to take those skills to the state Legislature to get real work done.

While Dunnigan claims to care about public welfare and improved air quality, his actions show the opposite. In 2019, he voted for H.B. 433, doubling down on his support for the inland port, a legislative nightmare that has misused tax dollars and will put even more trucks on our roads and pollutants in our air. That same year, Dunnigan sponsored legislation (SB96) overturning the voter-approved Medicaid expansion proposition. His bill covered fewer people at a much higher cost. Wendel will work to improve air quality, support the will of the people, and will be a careful steward of taxpayer dollars.

Your vote matters in this race. You can make a difference in the community. If you want an honest representative who is a proven community leader instead of a career politician with empty promises, vote for Lynette Wendel.

Charlotte Maloney, Millcreek

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