
Letter: Rep. Birkeland doesn’t want kids to learn not to hate

At last, a judge puts a stop to the latest iteration of Utah — The Hate State. Led by Republican Kera Birkeland, the anti-trans legislators seem to think that transgender girls are somehow a danger in public schools. Kera is on the prowl to root out any and all advantages these girls may have.

I could perhaps understand if being transgender gave these girls an advantage on chemistry comprehension tests, better ACT scores or maybe becoming the valedictorian of their class. But, let’s be realistic, this is about sports. This is public school sports.

What school sports are good for is teaching kids how to get along with other kids who they would not usually meet and become friends with and form the firm bonds of team membership. Playing sports in school is great for kids of all abilities, shapes and sizes. It is the great experience of building a team and learning to value everyone involved.

Surprise. This is exactly what Kera does not want kids to have, to value and to depend on transgender friends and teammates.

If our kids learn that transgender kids are basically the same as everyone else, then what happens to the hate? If the hate goes away, where does that leave Kera?

Anne Albaugh, Salt Lake City

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