
Letter: Stop perpetuating the idea that children are obtaining gender affirming surgeries the minute they express any gender issue

I was saddened to read The Tribune’s recent article regarding the Utah GOP’s move to ban gender affirming care for minors. Apparently, the bill’s author, Utah GOP Chairman Carson Jorgensen, is concerned that these procedures are becoming more common and is not going to “let this happen” to one of his daughters. His statements would almost be funny if this bill wasn’t so potentially harmful to other people’s children.

As a lifelong independent voter who has often voted for Republican candidates, it is confusing to see the party take this turn. The Utah GOP platform states that, “we affirm that parents have the fundamental right and primary responsibility to direct the upbringing of their children and to provide nurturing care, discipline and training in moral values.” Apparently, this needs to be rewritten to state that the party actually wants to legislate its values to me and my family.

Currently, I have a reminder on my phone to call the Gender Clinic at the University of Utah next month so that I can try to get an appointment in 2023. Let’s stop perpetuating the idea that children are obtaining gender affirming surgeries the minute they express any gender issues.

It’s insulting to be told this is about protecting children. It is transphobia, plain and simple. The Utah GOP is disregarding what its platform says about the role of government. “We believe government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens.”

According to the article, party Vice Chair Jordan Hess states that the left doesn’t have a monopoly on LGBTQ+ issues. I sure hope that means members of the party will stand up against this bill and stand for parental rights for all Utah parents.

Johnna Horn, South Jordan

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