
Letter: Rocky 3? Where is the sense in challenging Mayor Mendenhall at this juncture?

I give Rocky Anderson credit for being a good mayor. I also think it more than a bit of bad judgment to be announcing a run for Salt Lake City mayor more than a year before the November 2023 election. That is, if he is even serious.

Anderson accomplished a lot as Salt Lake City mayor. His record of protecting civil rights, and his presiding over a successful 2002 Winter Olympics despite the terror of 9/11 just five months prior was impressive. As mayor, Anderson was a key part of the team that welcomed the world and proved the capital city could indeed throw one heckuva party.

Anderson is right to enjoy the role of former mayor. But now he wants to be the mayor again. Frankly, that is not a good idea. Not because he couldn’t do a good job. But, as would be the case for all former mayors, it just wouldn’t be the best thing for the city. What worked in earlier times is rarely the answer for the future. Old solutions often crush new and exciting concepts.

Where is the sense in challenging Mayor Erin Mendenhall at this juncture? She helped hold Salt Lake City together during a torturous pandemic. Her focus remains laser sharp on improving air quality and conserving water. She supports equality and inclusion for all, and women’s reproductive freedom. She is at the helm of two historic public works projects: the new Salt Lake City International Airport and the new water reclamation facility under construction in Rose Park.

Like every mayor for at least four decades, Mayor Mendenhall is trying to change the face of homelessness in Salt Lake City. I know from experience there is no single solution to this complex challenge. She shows up every day and continues to work hard at building a stronger and safer community for all.

On second thought, maybe I will join the race for Salt Lake City mayor. I will split the vote with Anderson, which will assure Mendenhall’s victory.

Ted Wilson, Salt Lake City mayor 1976-1986

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