What is to be done about Mike Lee?
When queried about the economy, affordable housing, education and other important topics, his responses almost uniformly blame the federal government and its stewardship of federal lands in Utah.
Typically, his statements are disingenuous, intellectually dishonest and showcase his hypocrisy. After all the years he has been representing the residents of Utah, what has he actually done to serve them beyond spouting the party line and further inflaming an already frightening political divide?
Mike Lee is not clueless or dumb; at the outset, he correctly diagnosed Donald Trump’s personal weaknesses and the potential damage to our country his elevation to the top position in our government would cause.
That is when the phone calls came alerting him to the damage to his political career and the dashing of his hopes to be rich and powerful if he continued on the anti-Trump path. This is the very definition of political corruption. He has held his nose at every bit of evidence of Trump’s dishonesty and lack of adherence to this nation’s traditional and legitimate methods of political activity.
In publicized contents of his communications with other plotters, he has been quoted at length discussing his possibly seditious attempts to subvert the legitimate results of our past national election and subsequently has been caught lying about those activities.
Surely in the top five of Trump’s most loyal toadies, Mike Lee is patently dishonest and corrupt, a traitor and a liar and surely a slap in the face to the tenets of his faith.
I’m not asking you to vote for a Democrat, nor am I asking you to like or approve of President Joe Biden. I’m asking you to throw this moral disgrace out of office.
Leo Coulson, Bountiful