
Letter: Utah’s four representatives all voted against a bill aimed at helping our veterans

During the State of the Union, President Biden talked about burn pits and the cancer they’re causing our military service men and women. These toxic pits burn everything from human and medical waste to garbage and everything in between. Ever wonder where the garbage from a military camp goes? Watch Jon Stewart’s show about them. It will turn your stomach.

Congress recently passed the Honoring Our PACT Act (Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics). Guess who voted against this bill to help our veterans? All four of our “esteemed” congressional delegation — Blake Moore, Chris Stewart, John Curtis and Burgess Owens. It’s fascinating how these four think it’s OK to pass tax bills to help the rich get richer. But help veterans with cancer … nope.

With such a rich history of supporting our military I’m disappointed and angry that our four “illustrious” congressmen couldn’t see fit to support men and women who were sent to fight for our country.

Next time you vote look at the record of the person you are voting for and not the D or R behind their name. And remember these four next time you go to the voting booth.

Lori Fox, Salt Lake City

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