
Letter: Who would the authors of our Constitution consider to be patriots?

It surprises me how many people today think they are patriots, when in fact, they are the opposite. Show me where in the U.S. Constitution it says a true patriot should choose a path of violence and storm the Capitol as a first resort to a political problem.

The authors of our Constitution knew that a democratic nation would always have problems and strong arguments. To keep the nation from falling apart every time there was a big conflict, they created a three part government (President, Congress and Supreme Court) with resilience to handle any issue. If any branch of government got out of balance or had a serious conflict (like a contested election), the authors made it the constitutional duty of the other two branches of government to resolve the issue. And they understood it is the duty of all patriots and oath keepers to support this process.

If you have a problem with the 2020 presidential election, it is your right and your constitutional duty to go to either the Congress or the Supreme Court, to present your factual evidence and to seek resolution. This is what patriots do. If, however, you are too enraged, too lazy or too brainwashed by media pundits to support the Constitution’s methods for resolving conflict, you can form lynch mobs and storm the Capitol. That is what traitors do.

Doug Mavor, Ivins

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