I’m guessing that I am not the only person in Salt Lake City today feeling as though he’s sinking into a bottomless pit of despair. We all knew there was an undercurrent of insanity lurking in our state, but it has now bubbled over the state pot.
If it were just one insanity, but, unfortunately, it is many: the indictment of an entire county for gross racial discrimination, a group of young school students and a teacher in an elementary school responsible for the suicide of a Black austistic ten-year-old child, the Utah Legislature and governor turning their backs 100% against voter rights to fair redistricting, three of our four legislators voting to block Utah from our share of money for new roads and infrastructure, and, as Geoge Pyle put it so clearly, our own legislators setting us clearly on the path to a fascist national government in the not-too-distant future.
I’m beginning to believe that Davis district is not alone in its stupidity and high opinion of itself, that our own government has made Utah a state ruled by an oligarchy with very little actual voter representation, and that many Utah residents are wondering how we can escape the Salt Lake City democratic ghetto before its clear and present death. And our majority religious institution in this no-so-fair State must be wondering when and where everything went so horribly wrong.
Bev Terry, Salt Lake City