Thank you, Paul Huntsman, for your continued efforts to investigate and report truth to the readers of The Salt Lake Tribune. I believe that there has rarely been a time more in need of truth than this time in America today.
It seems that lies and the profit motive are rampant as are the high number of people in business and government who seek a profit at the expense of citizens and democracy. Finding truth seems more difficult than in times past. Newspapers have been scalped in this economy. Skimming the surface of a news story is more common while deep investigative journalism has become rare. Even the highest rated sources of accurate news are reporting inaccurate stories more often due to the lack of resources to send journalists to the source or to dig through legal red tape.
The costs have become insurmountable for many papers, and a city without competing news is bound to have a bias that goes unchecked. Reporters have been laid off work in, what I consider to be, the most important job in a free and democratic society: Speaking truth to power! And this doesn’t even take into account the huge number of conspiracy-imbibing humans sucked in by gibberish spewing morons happy to live in stupor land!
Without truthful information we cannot make correct or sensible decisions, and we will begin the slide into untruth and manipulation, a country teetering on a dangerous tightrope of misinformation and lies.
Beverly Terry, Salt Lake City