
Letter: Afghanistan: Right back where we started

As the “forever war” between the U.S. and terrorists in Afghanistan winds to a close, it appears to be on the verge of ending in complete defeat for the U.S. Unfortunately, this war is the result of two generations of poor U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. government, which technically put the Taliban into power and ousted them after 9/11, are allowing them to retake Afghanistan. Forty years of war has changed nothing and now Pandora’s Box will be opened to terrorists, as it was in Iraq. The U.S. government’s move to withdraw troops from Afghanistan is a clear step in the wrong direction.

The U.S. must recognize how eerily similar the current situation is to what occurred in Iraq a decade ago. By the time President Obama took office in 2009, Iraq had been won. A new government was established, the insurgency had been quelled. President Obama hastily abandoned the country three years later, leaving it in the hands of a primitive government and military. In a short period of time Iraq was lost to the new terrorist group known as ISIS. Without a doubt, this is likely to occur in Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda has already promised war on all fronts against America at the news of the withdrawal. If U.S. forces leave, the return of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda is inevitable.

Abandoning Afghanistan may appear to be a strategic move towards peace, but only the opposite will occur. Due to failed policies, enemies were armed and have received what they wanted. Bin Laden’s demise did not weaken the Taliban. Iraq proved that the hasty withdrawal of American troops has catastrophic results. Untold blood and treasure have been lost fighting in Afghanistan only for the terrorists to return in full force. America must prepare and anticipate their next attack on American soil.

Jackson Jay Taylor, Provo

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