
Letter: Picture the LDS Church saving our natural world

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints does much good in the world, bringing light, community, and goodness to many across the globe, yet I hope and pray that they can do even more. In my reverie, I picture the church literally saving our natural world. Imagine an inspired President Russell M. Nelson calling from the mountain tops that creation is in jeopardy and humanity is primarily to blame, and that we, as stewards, must repent and change course.

What happens next would be a modern miracle. Solar panels appear on hundreds of LDS churches across the country, members of the church follow suit as homes all over the sunniest parts of the country convert the sun’s bountiful energy into electricity and CO2 emissions plummet. Churchgoers begin in earnest to “eat meat sparingly” because not only is it a word of wisdom but the Earth depends on it. In our nation’s capital, the nine Latter-Day Saint members of Congress would heed the words of their prophet (and constituents) and transform into courageous Republican voices we desperately need to lead on serious climate change policy.

This spring, join my prayer and raise your voice for the beauty of the Earth.

Jared Lounsbury-Decker, St. George

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