
Letter: Portrayal of consequences of remote learning in Salt Lake City School District is unfair

I’m puzzled by The Tribune’s reporting on COVID-19 and education published on March 14. You highlight the successes of remote learning in other districts and their intentions to continue to offer virtual learning options for their students, but then portray Salt Lake City School District, once again, as only having “devastating” consequences because of it. Really? I expect more from The Tribune. Where is your fair and balanced reporting? Surely, like the many unreported successes of Salt Lake City School District, so too do other districts face similar challenges.

As a teacher in the Salt Lake City School District, I could not be prouder for how my school district handled the pandemic by ensuring everyone’s health and safety first. The decisions my district made were not made lightly, and though not perfect, the decisions always focused on the educational well-being of students. Yes, we were the only district to start school remotely, but that was not without many teachers meeting small groups of students in person from the beginning. Nor was it without the tireless efforts of everyone in our district addressing the challenges we faced and how to best support all students. So much for unbiased news reporting.

Dessie Olson, Salt Lake City

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