
Letter: No one has — or should have — the right to carry a gun at all times

It seems entirely ridiculous to have to say so, but as we seek to heal the divide between right and left, maybe the first thing we should do is put our guns down. Let’s adopt a rule from that old Johnny Cash song: “Just leave your guns at home boys, don’t take your guns to town.”

The Utah Legislature and Gov. Cox are taking entirely the wrong turn by supporting the right to carry a concealed gun without a permit. The excuse for supporting this outrageous idea is that what can be done without a coat, should not be illegal when wearing a coat. I entirely agree! What needs to be done is to restrict when a gun — concealed or not — is permitted to be carried in public.

We need legislation making it a crime to bring a gun to any public meeting of any branch of government and especially to any protest. It should not just be illegal to have a gun in court, but also at legislative and executive branch meetings. Most importantly, it should be illegal to take a weapon, concealed or open, to any protest or demonstration. Those bringing a weapon to such events should be arrested — not protected!

It is time, as a civilized society, that we acknowledge the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to bear arms is not entitled to the same protection as the First Amendment’s guarantee of the right to free speech. True, both rights are listed in the Bill of Rights, but neither is absolute, and each of these fundamental rights is subject to reasonable regulation as necessary for protection of public health and safety. The right to speak freely has an honored tradition of being highly protected. But not everyone has the right to carry a gun, and no one has the right to carry a gun at all times.

When emotions are high, as they can be when people take steps to organize and protest for redress of grievances, there is no rational justification for those on either side to carry a gun. Those who come as participants should not come armed! Let’s not pretend that having a gun for protection of civil order is a right of every citizen — including any misinformed and zealous patriot. Let’s leave the awful responsibility of protecting the freedom to assemble and speak to properly trained police officers.

Steven F. Alder, Salt Lake City

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