
Letter: Some members of Congress should be expelled

To Sen. Mitt Romney,

I and millions of other Americans listened to your words in addressing the U.S. Senate after the horrific events of Jan. 6. You have sworn an oath to the United States of America and our sacred Constitution. Please read the following:

Under the United States Constitution and congressional practice, members of Congress may have their services ended prior to the normal expiration of their constitutionally established terms of office by their resignation or death, or by action of the house of Congress in which they are a member by way of an expulsion, or by a finding that in accepting a subsequent incompatible public office, the member would be deemed to have vacated his congressional seat.

Under Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution, a member of Congress may be removed from office before the normal expiration of his or her constitutional term by an expulsion upon a formal vote on a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of the members of that body present and voting.

While there are no specific grounds for an expulsion expressed in the Constitution, expulsion actions in both the House and the Senate have generally concerned cases of perceived disloyalty to the United States, or the conviction of a criminal statutory offense which involved abuse of one’s official position.

Each house has broad authority as to the grounds, nature, timing and procedure for an expulsion of a Member. However, policy considerations, as opposed to questions of authority, have appeared to restrain the Senate and House in the exercise of expulsion when it might be considered as infringing on the electoral process, such as when the electorate knew of the past misconduct under consideration and still elected or re-elected the member.

In accordance with your oath of office, you must take action immediately to expel Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley for their acts of sedition and the violation of their oath of office.

The fact that this was an armed act of insurrection and sedition elevates this heinous criminal act into the realm of treason (along with the fact that five people, including a police officer, died in the conflict). All of these people are enemies of the state. Your oath of office demands of you that you take action immediately.

Greg Underwood, Salt Lake City

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